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We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

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Waterlogic, a brand that believes in better

Waterlogic was founded in 1992 on the belief that there must be a better way to deliver high quality water to customers without using chemicals harmful to health and without impacting the planet with plastic bottles and carbon-emitting supply chains.


Eco-friendly solutions for purity, hygiene and taste

We have worked hard to develop an extensive range of drinking water solutions under the Waterlogic parent brand, using patented technologies and innovations such as Firewall® UVC purification. This enables us to deliver highly-certified, great-tasting water in a safe and environmentally-responsible way, giving our customers the high quality sustainable choice they, and our planet, deserve.

More about our expertise

Purity and security for total peace of mind


Firewall® UVC purification technology eliminates up to 99.9999% of bacteria and viruses from water.

Waterlogic water dispenser

Next generation mains-fed Waterlogic dispensers

Our freestanding and countertop dispensers are designed to provide a clear environmental advantage with purity, hygiene and taste as standard. Our extensive range of mains-fed dispensers with choice of water options allow customers to select the right product for their space, hydration needs and budget.

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What drives us to be better every day

Better thinking, better water, better for you, better for the planet<sup>TM</sup>

At Waterlogic, everything starts with the way we think about water. Behind every drop of Waterlogic water are years of knowledge, innovation and experience to deliver purified, great-tasting water in the safest and most sustainable way. Promoting hydration, good health, sustainable and responsible business practices, and raising awareness of plastic pollution and energy efficiency mean a great deal to us. These are the driving forces keeping us focused on why we do what we do, ensuring we met the needs of our community and the needs of our planet too.
Our purpose

We act responsibly with integrity, in ways that are better for people and better for the planet.

Our mission

To provide access globally to the best drinking water solutions, to all organisations, in a safe and environmentally-sustainable way.

Our vision

Our vision is of a world where more people, in more places, enjoy more Waterlogic water - because Waterlogic water is the best that water can be, for you, your people, and for the environment.

More about our purpose

What we offer

A range of water dispensers designed for every need and budget

From freestanding, countertop and integrated dispensers to bottle filling stations and hospitality solutions, every product focuses on delivering the very best quality water in the safest and most sustainable way.

Freestanding & countertop

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High-volume hospitality solutions

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Fountains & bottle filling stations

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Talk to us about becoming a partner

We have an extensive distribution network of partners just like you. Find out how Waterlogic can provide the perfect solution for your hydration business.

Contact us today

Waterlogic distributor