What water means to you

Whether you’re using water to refresh, hydrate, clean, or any of the countless ways in which it enhances or lives every day, water is undeniably important to all. However, have you ever spent more than a moment really think about what water means to you? Depending on your circumstances and environment water will have different meanings and importance.
This year’s World Water Day is challenging us all to take that moment to think about what water really means to us and how it impacts our health, community, culture, economics, education, leisure, and natural environment.
Though water may mean many things to many people we can all agree many of us take it for granted. To help understand just what water might mean to you, we’ve looked into some surprising facts about this amazing resource and how it is used in our everyday lives. You’ll be amazed at some of the insight from how much H20 is needed in the manufacturing of coffee to how many people around the world have limited access to clean drinking water.